Best way to transfer money from UK to Australia

Imagine what it would be like to live in the era, when the only way to send something from one country to another was a white dove. Okay, let’s not go that far into the history. Instead, let’s look back at not so far past. Half a century ago, to transfer money from one place to another, you would have to directly send it through a post office. It would take weeks, month and quite often, would not arrive at its destination. Thanks to the modern technologies, we can use digital money instead of cash and transfer them in minutes no matter how far the location is. With all this said, let’s look at some of the best ways to transfer money from the UK to Australia, even though they are so far away.

1.Banks: sending money from UK to Australia via the bank is the most popular way of transferring money. This might be because it is the easiest. You will find international banks that function both in UK and in Australia on every step. Not only international banks, most local banks offer international transactions. One more good thing about it is that it is the fastest way for transferring money. Also, you are always safe that the money you are transferring will not get lost. You might ask, if bank is this good of a way to transfer money from the UK to Australia, why do we even need to consider other ways? The answer is – transferring money via the bank can be quite costly and the exchange rates are not the best, too.

2.Transfer companies: the second way that we are going to offer is special companies that offer international transactions. Usually, this companies offer exchange rate that is the lowest, what makes this services the cheapest way for transferring money from the UK to Australia. Transfer companies transfer money just as fast as banks. Unlike banks, you are taking more risk, because you don’t know how safe you are with the company. so, before making a decision, do a research to be sure that your money is in good hands. Also, with this services, sometimes with banks too, remember that you gave amount limit that you can transfer at a time.

To sum up, there are two major ways for you to transfer money from the UK to Australia. Depending on what you value more at that particular moment safety or cost efficiency, you can choose between these two.

Source: click here


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